90 Days Weight-Loss Plan

If you want to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way, it takes a little more time. Eating a healthy diet and exercising for three months can help you safely lose about 12 to 24 pounds. Stick to your healthier lifestyle even after those three months have passed to prevent the weight from returning.

Start With Your Diet

Your diet plays the biggest role in weight loss. In order to burn fat, you need to eat fewer calories than you expend each day through your daily activities and exercise. If you keep the right foods on hand and don't cheat, this isn't hard to do.
Cut out junk foods. Fast food, chips, cookies, cakes and fried foods pack a ton of calories and little nutrition. Sodas and other sweetened beverages — including fruit juice — are also big calorie-busters. Skipping these foods and drinks each day will make a big difference over three months.

Fill up on fiber and protein. Fiber is the the indigestible matter in plant foods such as broccoli, apples and brown rice. It's important for healthy digestion, which can aid weight loss, but it's also satiating. The more fiber you eat, the fuller you'll feel to control your calorie intake. Protein has the same effect. Make lean proteins such as white fish, chicken breast, egg whites, tofu and beans the center of your mealtime plates.

Choose whole grains. White bread, rice and pasta have been stripped down — or refined — during processing. They digest quickly into sugars, which can spike your blood sugar and leave you feeling tired and hungry. Whole grains digest slowly and keep you feeling full longer. Examples of tasty whole grains to put in salads or serve alongside fish include quinoa, brown rice and wild rice.

Eat simply. You don't need rich sauces or a lot of cheese to make foods taste good. Plan meals that consist of a lean protein, some veggies and a whole grain. Season with salt, pepper, lemon juice, garlic and other herbs and spices, such as mint, basil, cayenne, cumin and turmeric. These flavor foods without adding calories.

Eat less. This is seems obvious, but it's a good reminder. Don't eat more than you need to supply your body with energy. Never eat to the point of feeling full. Take smaller servings, eat slowly and pay attention to your body's cues for hunger and satiety.
